Testing: Configuration Tests

Testinfra tests verify the end state of a full SecureDrop server, whether on physical hardware or in staging VMs. Any changes to the Ansible configuration should have a corresponding test.


pip install --no-deps --require-hashes -r securedrop/requirements/python3/develop-requirements.txt

Running the Config Tests

Testinfra tests are executed against a virtualized staging environment. To provision the environment and run the tests, run the following commands:

make build-debs
make staging
make testinfra

Test failure against any host will generate a report with informative output about the specific test that triggered the error. Molecule will also exit with a non-zero status code.

Updating the Config Tests

Changes to the Ansible config should result in failing config tests, but only if an existing task was modified. If you add a new task, make sure to add a corresponding spectest to validate that state after a new provisioning run. Tests import variables from separate YAML files than the Ansible playbooks:

├── app-prod.yml
├── app-staging.yml
├── mon-prod.yml
├── mon-staging.yml
└── staging.yml

Any variable changes in the Ansible config should have a corresponding entry in these vars files. These vars are dynamically loaded for each host via the molecule/testinfra/staging/conftest.py file. Make sure to add your tests to the relevant location for the host you plan to test:

├── apache
│   ├── test_apache_journalist_interface.py
│   ├── test_apache_service.py
│   ├── test_apache_source_interface.py
│   └── test_apache_system_config.py
├── test_apparmor.py
├── test_appenv.py
├── test_network.py
└── test_ossec.py

In the example above, to add a new test for the app-staging host, add a new file to the testinfra/staging/app directory.


Read Updating OSSEC Rules to learn how to write tests for the OSSEC rules.

Config Test Layout

With some exceptions, the config tests are broken up according to platform definitions in the Molecule configuration:

├── app
├── app-code
├── common
├── mon
├── ossec
└── vars

Ideally the config tests would be broken up according to roles, mirroring the Ansible configuration. Prior to the reorganization of the Ansible layout, the tests are rather tightly coupled to hosts. The layout of config tests is therefore subject to change.

Running the CI Staging Environment

The staging environment can also run via CI in Google Cloud (GCE). These tests are run every night or if a member of the freedomofpress Github Organization pushes to a branch that starts with stg-. Please ask in your PR if you’d like someone to run the tests for you.

The tests can also be run manually with a Google Cloud Platform account and Docker installed locally:

Source the setup script using the following command:

source ./devops/gce-nested/ci-env.sh

You will be prompted for the values of the required environment variables. There are some defaults set that you may want to change. You will need to export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS with authentication details for your GCP account, which is outside the scope of this guide. Some parameters are specific to FPF’s GCE setup and may need adjusting if you are running elsewhere.

Then to run the tests locally:

make ci-go

You can use ./devops/gce-nested/ci-runner.sh to provision the remote hosts while making changes, including rebuilding the Debian packages used in the Staging environment. See Virtual Environments: Servers for more information.