Setting up the SecureDrop Workstation

The SecureDrop Workstation based on Qubes OS is a project currently in the beta stages of software development which aims to improve journalists’ experience working with SecureDrop while retaining the current security and privacy features SecureDrop provides.

Installing the project requires an up-to-date Qubes 4.2 installation running on a machine with at least 16GB of RAM (32 GB recommended). You’ll need access to a SecureDrop staging server as well.

The project is currently in a closed beta, and we do not recommend installing it for production purposes. Documentation for end users is being developed here. The instructions below are intended for developers.

Install Qubes

Before trying to use this project, install Qubes 4.2.1 on your development machine. Accept the default VM configuration during the install process.

After installing Qubes, you must update both dom0 and the base templates to include the latest versions of apt packages. Open a terminal in dom0 by clicking on the Qubes menu top-right of the screen and left-clicking on Terminal Emulator and run:

sudo qubes-dom0-update

After dom0 updates complete, reboot your computer to ensure the updates have been properly applied. Finally, update all existing TemplateVMs:


Select all VMs marked as updates available, then click Next. Once all updates have been applied, you’re ready to proceed. Choose the environment that you wish to set up and then follow the applicable instructions:

  • The staging environment uses the and repositories, and is configured to use the main component for apt packages. It will typically install the most recent release candidate packages (which could be more recent than the production packages if a release is underway).

  • The development environment uses the and repositories, and is configured to use the nightly component for apt package. It does not alter power management settings on your laptop to prevent suspension to disk (a security measure for production environments, which the staging environment preserves to be more faithful to prod-like settings).

  • The production environment uses and repositories, verified using the production signing key. Its setup is not covered below; see our production install docs for details.

Development Environment

Download, Configure, Copy to dom0

This repository contains the specification for an RPM package, which contains the provisioning logic. By following the instructions below, you will build this RPM package locally from a git checkout in your development VM, copy it to dom0, install it, and run the provisioning code to set up a SecureDrop Workstation in the development environment configuration.

Decide on a VM to use for development. We recommend creating a standalone VM called sd-dev by following these instructions.

Clone this repo to your preferred location on that VM.

Next we need to do some SecureDrop-specific configuration:

  • Create a config.json file based on config.json.example and include your values for the hidserv fields: hostname (the Journalist Interface Onion URL) and key (the private key for client authentication). Set submission_key_fpr to the submission key fingerprint.

    • On your Admin Workstation, you can find the Journalist Interface onion address and private key in ~/Persistent/securedrop/install_files/ansible-base/app-journalist.auth_private, and the submission key fingerprint in ~/Persistent/securedrop/install_files/ansible-base/group_vars/all/site-specific (securedrop_app_gpg_fingerprint).

  • Create an sd-journalist.sec file in the root directory with the ASCII-armored GPG private key used to encrypt submissions in your test SecureDrop instance. The included key sd-journalist.sec is the one used by default in the SecureDrop staging instance.

Qubes provisioning is handled by Salt on dom0, so this project must be copied there from your development VM.


Understand that copying data to dom0 goes against the grain of the Qubes security philosophy, and should only done with trusted code and for very specific purposes, such as Qubes-related development tasks. Still, be aware of the risks, especially if you rely on your Qubes installation for other sensitive work.

That process is a little tricky, but here’s one way to do it: assuming this code is checked out in your sd-dev VM at /home/user/projects/securedrop-workstation, run the following in dom0:

qvm-run --pass-io sd-dev 'tar -c -C /home/user/projects/ securedrop-workstation' | tar xvf -

(Be sure to include the space after /home/user/projects/.) After that initial manual step, the code in your development VM may be copied into place on dom0 by setting the SECUREDROP_DEV_VM and SECUREDROP_DEV_DIR environmental variables to reflect the VM and directory to which you’ve cloned this repo, and running make clone from the root of the project on dom0:

[dom0]$ export SECUREDROP_DEV_VM=sd-dev    # set to your dev VM
[dom0]$ export SECUREDROP_DEV_DIR=/home/user/projects/securedrop-workstation    # set to your working directory
[dom0]$ cd ~/securedrop-workstation/
[dom0]$ make clone    # build RPM package and copy repo to dom0

NOTE: The destination directory on dom0 is not customizable; it must be securedrop-workstation in your home directory.

If you plan to work on the SecureDrop Client code, also run this command in dom0:

qvm-tags sd-dev add sd-client

Doing so will permit the sd-dev AppVM to make RPC calls with the same privileges as the sd-app AppVM.

Provision the VMs

Once the configuration is done and this directory is copied to dom0, you must update existing Qubes templates and use make to handle all provisioning and configuration by your unprivileged user. Before you do so, you may wish to increase the scrollback in the dom0 terminal from 1000 (the default) to 100000 or unlimited, to ensure you can review any errors in the verbose output.

Then run the following command to set up a development environment:

make dev

Note that this target automatically sets the environment variable in config.json to dev, regardless of its current value, before provisioning. It identifies the latest RPM you have built (using scripts/prep-dev), installs it, and runs the sdw-admin --apply command to provision the SecureDrop Workstation.

The build process takes quite a while. You will be presented with a dialog asking how to connect to Tor: you should be able to select the default option and continue. If you want to refer back to the provisioning log for a given VM, go to /var/log/qubes/mgmt-<vm name>.log in dom0. You can also monitor logs as they’re being written via journalctl -ef. This will display logs across the entire system so it can be noisy. It’s best used when you know what to look for, at least somewhat, or if you’re provisioning one VM at a time.

When the installation process completes, a number of new VMs will be available on your machine, all prefixed with sd-.

Editing the configuration

When developing on the Workstation, make sure to edit files in sd-dev, then copy them to dom0 via make clone && make dev to reinstall them. Any changes that you make to the ~/securedrop-workstation folder in dom0 will be overwritten during make clone. Similarly, any changes you make to e.g. /srv/salt/ in dom0 will be overwritten by make dev.

Staging Environment

Update dom0, fedora-40-xfce, whonix-gateway-17 and whonix-workstation-17 templates

Updates to these VMs will be performed by the installer and updater, but updating them prior to install makes it easier to debug any errors.

Before proceeding to updates, we must ensure that sys-whonix can bootstrap to the Tor network. In the Qubes menu, navigate to sys-whonix and click on Anon Connection Wizard and click Next and ensure the Tor Bootstrap process completes successfully.

In the Qubes Menu, select the cog icon to access the Settings submenu, navigate to Qubes Tools and click on Qubes Update. In the updater, select all VMs in the list, then click Next and wait for updates to complete.

Choose your installation method

You can install the staging environment in two ways:

  • If you have an up-to-date clone of this repo with a valid configuration in dom0, you can use the make staging target to provision a staging environment. Prior to provisioning, make staging will set your config.json environment to staging.

  • If you want to download a specific version of the RPM, and follow a verification procedure similar to that used in a production install, follow the process in the following sections.

Download and install securedrop-workstation-dom0-config package

Since dom0 does not have network access, we will need to download the securedrop-workstation-dom0-config package in a Fedora-based VM. We can use the default Qubes-provisioned work VM. If you perform these changes in the work VM or another AppVM, they won’t persist across reboots (recommended).

In a terminal in work, run the following commands:

  1. Import the test signing key:

[user@work ~]$ wget
[user@work ~]$ sudo rpmkeys --import apt-test-pubkey.asc
  1. Configure the test repository

Populate /etc/yum.repos.d/securedrop-temp.repo with the following contents:

name=SecureDrop Workstation Qubes initial install bootstrap
  1. Download the RPM package

[user@work ~]$ dnf download securedrop-workstation-dom0-config

The RPM file will be downloaded to your current working directory.

  1. Verify RPM package signature

[user@work ~]$ rpm -Kv securedrop-workstation-dom0-config-x.y.z-1.fc37.noarch.rpm

The output should match the following, and return OK for all lines as follows:

    Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 2211b03c: OK
    Header SHA1 digest: OK
    V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 2211b03c: OK
    MD5 digest: OK
  1. Transfer and install RPM package in dom0


Understand that copying data to dom0 goes against the grain of the Qubes security philosophy, and should only done with trusted code and for very specific purposes, such as Qubes-related development tasks. Still, be aware of the risks, especially if you rely on your Qubes installation for other sensitive work.

In dom0, run the following commands (changing the version number to its current value):

[dom0]$ qvm-run --pass-io work 'cat /home/user/securedrop-workstation-dom0-config-x.y.z-1.fc37.noarch.rpm' > securedrop-workstation.rpm
sudo dnf install securedrop-workstation.rpm

The provisioning scripts and tools should now be in place, and you can proceed to the workstation configuration step.

Configure the Workstation

Your workstation configuration will reside in /usr/share/securedrop-workstation-dom0-config/ and will contain configuration information specific to your SecureDrop instance:

  1. Populate config.json with your instance-specific variables. Set environment to staging

  2. Move your submission private key to sd-journalist.sec

Provision the VMs

In a terminal in dom0, run the following commands:

[dom0]$ sdw-admin --apply